Chronus Pro MOD Apk Latest V18.6.2 Download

Welcome to Chronus, a set of flexible and stylish Clock, Weather, News, Tasks, Stocks, Fitness, and Calendar widgets for your Home and Lock** screen.

Download Link:

Chronus Pro App shares the same highly optimized back-end services, making it the perfect, single replacement for many of the other stand-alone widgets on your device. This ensures your system will use less CPU, data, and battery while still providing you with rich information.

Features (All versions):

- Fully functional Flex, Flex (Analog), Clock+, Clock+ (Dash), Dash, Pixel+, Pixel2+, News, Tasks, and Weather

- Widgets

- Highly customizable look and feel of almost all components

- Weather panel with Yahoo! Weather, OpenWeatherMap, Weather Underground (PWS), Accuweather and

- MET Norway weather providers

- Weather, Calendar, and Tasks notifications

- News Feed panel with built-in RSS sources and “Read it later” using Pocket

- Tasks widget supports Google Tasks.

- Calendar panel showing a scrollable list of upcoming events

- Highlight upcoming calendar events with custom colors and font bolding.

- Backup and restore widget settings.

- Add any two (2) DashClock Extensions in the Flex and ‘Dash’ widgets. Android Wear support. A basic Chronus Wear watch face.

- Can be used as a weather provider for CyanogenMod, LineageOS, and derived ROMs

Pro Features:

- Additional Widgets (Forecast, Calendar, Clock+ (Forecast), Fit+ and Stocks)

- Additional News providers (Feedly, Twitter, Reddit)

- Additional Tasks providers (Microsoft Exchange, Evernote, and Todoist)

- Many more alignment, style, color, and layout options for all widgets

- Set custom Tap actions to launch apps or activities

- Stock Alerts

- Daydream screensaver

- Unlimited DashClock Extensions

- Full Chronus Wear watch face with Google Fit counters and weather forecast.

Please note:

1. You can choose to use one or all of the features; those not used are completely disabled and use no system resources.


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